Saturday, July 12, 2008


stand for something
or fall flat on your face
the world is changing at such a fast pace
as the world evolves, it leaves less room for gray
we are faced with choices every single day
do we stand our ground or take the easy way out
do we worry about image and leave the lost with doubt?
we must remind ourselves of what life is all about
in a split second we can choose to stand out or blend in
but the choices we make can determine our end

can we show the world we have something different,

if indifference is all we show?
if we strive to blend in how will they ever know...
that there is freedom from the lives they live

and joy beyond their sorrow
are we're so busy being "cool" that we can't see past tomorrow?

one day we'll stand before the throne
every choice we have made will then be shown
let's choose now to stand up tall
and not just be content while the lost around us fall
we can make a difference now, it's not too late
let your voice be heard, there's no time to wait !

in a world where mediocrity is becoming the norm...


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