Tuesday, July 15, 2008


God put you on my heart today
but i chose to look the other way
"it's been too long," i told myself
"she'll think i'm weird or someone else"

yesterday you were on my heart
from the moment that my day did start
i ignored the nudge that i felt deep down
and continued on with things around town

last week God put you on my heart
last month He told me you needed a new start
it had been so long and i chose to forget
now i have to live my life with regret

i know now that you were desperate for help
i know now that you were not well
now that i know, it's too late
how i wish things could start over on a clean slate
i realize now there's no time to wait

God gave me the nudge and let ME make the choice
to take the easy way out or listen to His voice
now that you're gone
oh how i long
to change the decisions i made wrong

we must remember that the choices we make
can determine the steps another might take
the day we step out of our comfort zone
could be the day we find someone lost and alone
lets choose everyday to be aware
and let our light's shine with out a care

i stepped in gum today...

i stepped in gum today
it's on the bottom of my shoe
i stepped in gum today
while visiting the zoo
it's sticky just like glue
someone chewed a piece of gum
and when they were through
they didn't know what to do
so now their gum is stuck like goo
on the bottom of my shoe
i guess gum is better than poo